Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Motivating Your Managers

Motivating Your Managers

In the article Motivating Your Managers, it is greatly stressed that keeping managers motivated from senior leadership is crucial to an organizations success, especially in tough economic times. One of the key factors is that managers, and employees as well, want to be heard and listened to with proper two-way communication. This is crucial because as stated, they set the "tone" for the entire work group that they are in. Managers want to know how they are performing (feedback) and if they need to make any changes to perform better; furthermore, they also want to be listened to my senior level management about the recommendations they have to perform better as they see fit such as a change in a work procedure to create a more healthy and productive work environment. I feel that all of these facts are ideal in order for a manager to perform best because I myself have seen ways to change work procedures from past jobs that seem to be more efficient and it could be a struggle sometimes to implement these changes when my managers did not want to listen to me about what I had to say. Furthermore, in order to keep employees engaged in their work, "open communication, teamwork, and employee appreciation" play an important role in doing this. I feel that this is important because it is important for employees and managers to communicate new ideas new ideas to each other in a circular flow. This provides great trust between each other which means they should work better in a team environment. Overall, I feel that keeping managers motivated will keep their employees motivated because managers definitely will set the "tone" for the working environment.

Do you feel more motivated when managers are actively engaged in their work so that it makes you feel that you have perform your best like them?

-David Harbeck

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