Self motivation is an important part of being a professional in a business environment. Sometimes a manager won't have time to cater to you specifically and give you the motivation that you need on a one to one level. In these times its important to know how to self motivate. The best way to do this is by applying self motivation techniques to other aspects of your life. One way that is popular is to set reasonable deadlines for projects that you are working on and achieve those deadlines. Not only will this boost your self motivation skills but it will also boost your self confidence, which is always a good thing. Along with setting realistic deadlines another tip is to set realistic goals and achieve them in a timely fashion. By setting goals you are creating a list of tasks that you want to accomplish and by completing them in a timely fashion you give your self the confidence to complete more. Having self confidence is critical in self motivation. The more confidence that you have in yourself to get a job done the easier it will be to motivate yourself to do it. Self motivation is what sets apart powerful leaders from the mediocre managers. When you reach the top of the chain there is nobody above you that will be trying to motivate you and the motivation has to come from within.
"People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing- thats why we recommend it daily." This quote by Zig Ziglar sums up self motivation pretty well in order to be good at self motivating you have to do it daily. Self motivation is not a one time deal where you can do it and be set for life. You have to be able to motivate yourself every day if you want to succeed in business. Beyond that it is important that while you are self motivating you also look for others perhaps people that you don't even know to motivate you and this will give you the best results and allow you to reach your maximum potential.
Michael Ziegler
Team 7
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