Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Managers Not Ready

I read this article about how many managers felt that when they got their management position they were not ready for it. It was surprising to me that over a quarter of the managers that they surveyed felt they were not prepared for their management positions. While the number one problem that the managers said they struggled with was dealing with issues between co-workers motivating their team members was the second biggest reason. This really makes me appreciate what we learn about motivation in school. This article also talks about other people that they interviewed such as the employees under these managers. In these surveys it was clear that the employees also felt that the managers were not ready for the tasks at hand. Another shocking statistic in this article was that over half of these mangers never even received management training. This seems to be very poor decision making. While the company might save a few bucks not having to pay for management training programs they will lose money in the long run when they have ineffective managers. Not only will managers be ineffective in this system but that also means that whole divisions that these managers control will not be motivated to do a good job and that will result in poor performance and  in the long run a worse bottom line for the company. It is clear from this article that there needs to be a change in corporate america today. Managers need more training and they need it specifically in the motivation area. Without motivated employees the companies can't hope to keep up with the competition.

Michael Ziegler
Team 7

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