Monday, April 18, 2011


A huge motivator for workers is their leaders. Employees look at leaders for motivation. The leaders are the ones giving directions so if the employees believe in the leader and agree with them, they will be motivated to work hard. Where I work the manager is more of a people-oriented leader. This is good because the employees realize that our manager cares for hi employees. We are motivated by this and want to please him. At the same time sometimes it is better to be task oriented so the employees have clear instructions that increase their performance. An article that i recently read said that the trouble leaders have with motivating employees is that they believe the same thing that motivates themselves will motivate everyone else. This can be a problem because every person is different and what motivates employee A can be different than what motivates employee B. So a big part of leading is figuring out what specific things motivate each employee and change your style of leading accordingly. At my job the manager has an advantage for motivation because he can schedule good employees on busier nights. He uses this tactic to his advantage and creates almost an in-house competition to get everyone motivated to work hard. He is also a supportive leader because he listens to employees scheduling conflicts and tries to give them days off when they need them. This motivates employees to work hard so he is always considerate to their feelings. Its almost as if they are motivated to keep him happy. Leaders style has a lot of impact on how much an employee is motivated to work and they need to use that to their advantage.

What kind of leader motivates you at your job?

Posted By: Jacob Cyscon

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