Sunday, March 20, 2011

Best Ways to Motivate Employees

The Best Ways to Motivate People

Since the economy has not been at its best within the past five years managers have had to find ways, aside from money, to motivate their employees.  Although it is proven that employee motivation and morale has declined in a majority of companies, employers will be able to get all of that, and more, back by simply using a few motivation tactics on their employees.  If a company is unable to motivate their employees with money, managers need to start taking the time to directly praise employees, make an effort to have one-on-one conversations while also doling out more responsibility.  If employees are given positive reinforcements, whether it involves money or not, they will be motivated to continue doing a good job at work.

Although the economy is showing signs of improvement employers need to continue using other ways to motivate employees outside of money.  When an employee is happy at work and with their accomplishments in the workplace, they will continue to perform to the highest of their ability.  Employees need to know from their managers that they are doing a good job and that their efforts are appreciated.  If managers take the extra time to recognize the successes of their subordinates, performance will improve without an increase in expense.

Would you be more motivated by praise and responsibility or money?

Posted By:
Lesley Pfeifer

1 comment:

  1. I have had jobs where I just absolutely hated going to them--and I was making more than I had ever been. My store opened up another one in the same mall, and the management at the new store was much better when dealing with employees. I was able to transfer stores--but I had to take a pay cut. I was willing to do it because I knew I would get treated better at the new store--even if it meant losing some money on it. So, I would definitely say that I am much more motivated by responsibility and praise than money.

    Posted by; Jenny Liechti Team 6
